cacao  Release 0.1.03-dev
Compute And Control For Adaptive Optics
cacao Hardware Simulation


There are 3 methods for users to simulate hardware

  • METHOD 1: Provide an external simulation that adheres to AOloopControl input/output conventions
  • METHOD 2: Use the physical hardware simulation provided by the package
  • METHOD 3: Use the linear hardware simulation: this option is fastest, but only captures linear relationships between DM actuators and WFS signals

METHOD 1: Provide an external simulation that adheres to AOloopControl input/output conventions

The user runs a loop that updates the wavefront sensor image when the DM input changes. Both the DM and WFS are represented as shared memory image streams. When a new DM shape is written, the DM stream semaphores are posted by the user, triggering the WFS image computation. When the WFS image is computed, its semaphores are posted.

METHOD 2: Physical hardware simulation

The AOsim simulation architecture relies on individual processes that simulate subsystems. Each process is launched by a bash script. ASCII configuration files are read by each process. Data I/O can be done with low latency using shared memory and semaphores: a process operation (for example, the wavefront sensor process computing WFS signals) is typically triggered by a semaphore contained in the shared memory wavefront stream. A low-speed file system based alternative to shared memory and semaphores is also provided.

Method 2 simulates incoming atmospheric WFs, a pyramid WFS based loop feeding a DM, a coronagraphic LOWFS and coronagraphic PSFs.

Running Method 2

Launch the simulator with the following steps:

  • Create a series of atmospheric wavefronts (do this only once, this step can take several hrs):


    Stop the process when a few wavefront files have been created (approximately 10 minimum). The AO code will loop through the list of files created, so a long list is preferable to reduce the frequency at which the end-of-sequence discontinuity occurs. The current wavefront file index is displayed as the process runs; in this example, the process is working on file #2:

    Layer  0/ 7, Frame   99/ 100, File      0/100000000  [TIME =     0.0990 s]  WRITING SCIENCE WAVEFRONT ... - 
    Layer  0/ 7, Frame   99/ 100, File      1/100000000  [TIME =     0.1990 s]  WRITING SCIENCE WAVEFRONT ... - 
    Layer  1/ 7, Frame   42/ 100, File      2/100000000  [TIME =     0.2420 s]  

    Type CTRL-C to stop the process. Note that you can relaunch the script later to build additional wavefront files.

    By default, the wavefront files are stored in the work directory. You may choose to move them to another location (useful if you have multiple work directories sharing the same wavefront files). You can then create a symbolic link atmwf to an existing atmospheric wavefront simulation directory. For example:

    ln -s /data/AtmWF/wdir00/ atmwf
  • Execute master script ./aohardsim/runAOhsim
  • To stop the physical simulator: ./aohardsim/runAOhsim -k

Important notes:

  • Parameters for the simulation can be changed by editing the .conf files in the aohardsim directory
  • You may need to kill and relaunch the main script twice after changing parameters

Method 2 output streams

Stream Description

wf0opd Atmospheric WF OPD

wf0amp Atmospheric WF amplitude

wf1opd Wavefront OPD after correction [um] ( = wf0opd - 2 x dm05dispmap )

dm05disp DM actuators positions

dm05dispmap DM OPD map

WFSinst Instantaneous WFS intensity

pWFSint WFS intensity frame, time averaged to WFS frame rate and sampled to WFS camera pixels

aosim_foc0_amp First focal plane (before coronagraph), amplitude

aosim_foc0_pha First focal plane (before coronagraph), phase

aosim_foc1_amp First focal plane (after coronagraph), amplitude

aosim_foc1_pha First focal plane (after coronagraph), phase

aosim_foc2_amp Post-coronagraphic focal plane, amplitude

aosim_foc2_pha Post-coronagraphic focal plane, phase

Processes and scripts details

Process aosimmkWF

aosimmkWF reads precomputed wavefronts and formats them for the simulation parameters (pixel scale, temporal sampling).

Parameters for aosimmkWF are stored in configuration file:

File aosimmkWF.conf.default :

!INCLUDE "../scripts/aohardsim/aosimmkWF.conf.default"

Process aosimDMrun

File aosimDMrun.conf.default :

!INCLUDE "../scripts/aohardsim/aosimDMrun.conf.default"

Process aosimPyrWFS

File aosimPyrWFS.conf.default :

!INCLUDE "../scripts/aohardsim/aosimPyrWFS.conf.default"

AO loop control

The aolconf script is used to configure and launch the AO control loop. It can be configured with input/output from real hardware or a simulation of real hardware.

Shared memory streams

Script Description

wf0opd Wavefront OPD prior to wavefront correction [um]

wf1opd Wavefront OPD after correction [um] ( = wf0opd - 2 x dm05dispmap )

dm05disp DM actuators positions

dm05dispmap DM OPD map

WFSinst Instantaneous WFS intensity

pWFSint WFS intensity frame, time averaged to WFS frame rate and sampled to WFS camera pixels

Hardware simulation architecture

data flow

Close-loop simulation requires the following scripts to be launched to simulate the hardware, in the following order :

  • aosimDMstart: This script creates DM channels (uses dm index 5 for simulation). Shared memory arrays dm05disp00 to dm05disp11 are created, along with the total displacement dm05disp. Also creates the wf1opd shared memory stream which is needed by aosimDMrun and will be updated by runWF. wf1opd is the master clock for the whole simulation, as it triggers DM shape computation and WFS image computation.
  • aosimDMrun: Simulates physical deformable mirror (DM)
  • aosimmkWF: Creates atmospheric wavefronts
  • aosimWFS: Simulates WFS

Some key script variables need to coordinated between scripts. The following WF array size should match :

  • WFsize in script aosimDMstart
  • ARRAYSIZE in aosimmkWF.conf
  • ARRAYSIZE in aosimDMrun.conf

The main hardware loop is between aosimmkWF and aosimWFS: computation of a wavefront by aosimmkWF is triggered by completion of a WFS instantaneous image computation by aosimWFS. The configuration files are configured for this link.

DM temporal response

The DM temporal response is assumed to be such that the distance between the current position $p$ and desired displacement $c$ values is multiplided by coefficient $a<1$ at each time step $dt$. The corresponding step response is :

$c - p((k+1) dt) = (c - p(k dt)) a$

$c - p(k dt) = (c-p0) a^k$

$p(k dt) = 1-a^k$

The corresponding time constant is

$a^{{t0}{dt}} = 0.5$

${t0}{dt} ln(a) = ln(0.5)$

$ln(a) = ln(0.5) dt/t0$

$a = 0.5^{{dt}{t0}}$

Processes and scripts: system ouput

The output (corrected) wavefront is processed to compute ouput focal plane images, and optionally LOWFS image.

Process aosimcoroLOWFS

Computes coronagraphic image output and LOWFS image

File aosimcoroLOWFS.conf.default:

!INCLUDE "../scripts/aohardsim/aosimcoroLOWFS.conf.default"

Ouput simulation architecture

coroLOWFS data flow

METHOD 3: Linear Hardware Simulation


The Linear Hardware Simulation (LHS) uses a linear response matrix to compute the WFS image from the DM state. It is significantly faster than the Physical Hardware Simulation (PHS) but does not capture non-linear effects.


  • Create directory LHScalib:
mkdir LHScalib
  • Download response matrix and reference, place them in directory LHScalib.
  • Start GUI, loop 5, name simLHS
./aolconf -L 5 -N simLHS
  • Start DM: index 04, 50 x 50; Auto-configure: main DM (no link); STOP -> (re-)START DM comb process
  • Enter linear simulation zonal response matrix and linear simulation WFS reference (zrespMlinsim and wfsref0linsim selections at top of screen).
  • Start linear simulator (lsimon selection). The simulator reacts to changes in aol5_dmdisp (= dm04disp)