1. Low-level (verbose) message Logs from fpsCTRL
cacao’s fpsCTRL writes a log in $CACAO_LOOPROOTDIR/fpsCTRL.log
from directory CACAO_LOOPROOTDIR
or (recommended):
without setting MILK_FPS_LOGFILE
will allow for control, but will not log commands.
Example low-level log content:
2023-09-19T01:08:42.555560692 1695085722.555560692 DEBUG CMDOK "setval acquWFS-2.procinfo.loopcntMax -1" 2023-09-19T01:08:42.557115440 1695085722.557115440 DEBUG CMDRCV [setval acquWFS-2.WFSnormfloor 1.0] 2023-09-19T01:08:42.557133243 1695085722.557133243 DEBUG FPS ENTRY FOUND : acquWFS-2.WFSnormfloor 8 26 2023-09-19T01:08:42.557139540 1695085722.557139540 SETVAL acquWFS-2.WFSnormfloor FLOAT32 1.000000 2023-09-19T01:08:42.558075743 1695085722.558075743 DEBUG CMDOK "setval acquWFS-2.WFSnormfloor 1.0" 2023-09-19T01:08:43.142855007 1695085723.142855007 DEBUG CMDRCV [setval DMch2disp-10.option.voltmode OFF] 2023-09-19T01:08:43.142872689 1695085723.142872689 DEBUG FPS ENTRY FOUND : DMch2disp-10.option.voltmode 4 29 2023-09-19T01:08:43.142880289 1695085723.142880289 SETVAL DMch2disp-10.option.voltmode ONOFF OFF
should be a sym link to $MILK_SHM_DIR/fpsCTRL-$CACAO_LOOPNAME.log
, which, being within a tmpdir, will not persist through computer reboots.
2. Daily Message Logs
2.1. Setting up daily message logging
fpsCTRL.log is quite verbose and includes multiple DEBUG statements. It is also non-persistent (lost upon reboot). The cacao-msglogCTRL
command should be run to process this low-level log into a more useful daily log. This is started with:
# Process low-level log to write daily log
# Runs in tmux window fpsCTRLlog-proc-LOOPNAME
# Output is echoed in tmux session fpsCTRL-out-LOOPNAME
cacao-msglogCTRL start
The command will process the low-level log and create 2 daily logs:
FILE: `fpsctrl.$CACAO_LOOPNAME.log`
Processed from low-level fpsCTRL log, removing DEBUG statements. Adds regular polling: every minute, the current status of all fps entries is included, under the STATUS category. Example content:
2023-09-30T06:51:59.588105445 1696056719.588105445 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.axmode UINT32 1 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588108350 1696056719.588108350 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.PROCESS ONOFF OFF 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588111311 1696056719.588111311 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.TRACEMODE ONOFF OFF 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588114143 1696056719.588114143 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.MODENORM ONOFF OFF 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588117450 1696056719.588117450 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.sname_intot STREAMNAME NULL 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588120529 1696056719.588120529 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.sname_refin STREAMNAME NULL 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588123660 1696056719.588123660 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.sname_refout STREAMNAME aol2_simLHSwfsref 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588126960 1696056719.588126960 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.twait UINT64 0 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588130239 1696056719.588130239 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.mmax UINT32 100000 2023-09-30T06:51:59.588138355 1696056719.588138355 STATUS simmvmgpu-2.option.nmax UINT32 100000 2023-09-30T06:53:31.290406303 1696056811.290406303 SETVAL mfilt-2.loopZERO ONOFF ON 2023-09-30T06:53:32.917511769 1696056812.917511769 SETVAL mfilt-2.loopON ONOFF OFF 2023-09-30T06:53:33.858064631 1696056813.858064631 SETVAL mfilt-2.loopON ONOFF ON 2023-09-30T06:53:37.532668615 1696056817.532668615 SETVAL mfilt-2.loopgain FLOAT32 0.2
Example content:
2023-09-30T03:39:30.095558084 1696045170.095558084 cacao-aorun-039-compstrCM cp conf/CMmodesWFS.fits logdir/aol_maps/CMmodesWFS//CMmodesWFS.2023-09-30T03:39:30.074774513Z.fits 2023-09-30T03:39:30.107010701 1696045170.107010701 cacao-aorun-039-compstrCM END 2023-09-30T03:39:30.666192190 1696045170.666192190 cacao-aorun-050-wfs2cmval START 2023-09-30T03:39:30.667943119 1696045170.667943119 cacao-aorun-050-wfs2cmval END 2023-09-30T03:39:30.759390557 1696045170.759390557 cacao-aorun-060-mfilt START 2023-09-30T03:39:30.761053656 1696045170.761053656 cacao-aorun-060-mfilt END 2023-09-30T03:39:30.868302925 1696045170.868302925 cacao-aorun-070-cmval2dm START 2023-09-30T03:39:30.873824011 1696045170.873824011 cacao-aorun-070-cmval2dm END 2023-09-30T06:39:47.065154932 1696055987.065154932 cacao-msglogCTRL START 2023-09-30T06:39:49.137695438 1696055989.137695438 cacao-msglogCTRL END
To stop the daily log (run at end of night):
cacao-msglogCTRL stop
will process all low-level log entries since the beginning of the day (UT), and write them in the daily fpsCTRL log. The cacao daily log will however only include commands entered while cacao-msglogCTRL
is running.
2.2. Viewing the daily fpsCTRL message log in real time
Processing of the low-level fpsCTRL log to the daily log is running within a tmux session. To view the output in real time, with colors:
tmux a -t fpsCTRLlog-out-$CACAO_LOOPNAME

2.3. Adding custom log entries to the daily cacao log
The cacao-msglogCLI
command adds custom log entries. To add a single entry in the daily cacao log:
cacao-msglogCLI "custom log entry"
To start an interactive (persistent) logging terminal with a keyword (=category):
cacao-msglogCLI -k "WEATHER" -i